September 18, 2010

Retrospective + More

The ability to physically see an overview of all the work I've created in the last 5 years and then be able to draw connections between everything was kind of amazing. All the influences and similarities become much more apparent when its all up on the wall.

One aspect that was brought up was the documentation of spaces that are receding, and may no longer exist in the same form within the next 15-20 years, and the connection to a French photographer of the early 1900s: Eugene Atget. He went around Paris, mostly in the 1920s photographing areas, buildings, ways of life that he felt would no longer be existent in the near future. They have a certain ethereal quality about them, which may have been partly due to the time in which they were taken and the process being used to make them.

Some images from Mr. Atget:

Finally, one more little thing to add here at the bottom...I shot a blues festival in KCK for the Pitch on Friday. It was a great experience, there was a lot of amazing music, and amazing people all around.

She sang beautifully, and at one point was singing to directly to me.

Mr. D.C. Bellamy - a great storyteller


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